Vims Group Of Aviation

  • Client

    Vims Aviation

  • Services

    Digital Marketing

  • Duration

    On Going 

  • Website

How We Doubled the Leads and ROI 2x

Vims is a top Aviation Academy and training Institute for Air Hostesses and Aviation Courses in Kerala & Bangalore. They have 6 six branches spread across Kerala alone. Vims Aviation Academy & Training Institute approached us with a challenge which is to drive quality leads. Their marketing efforts only failed to attract their potential audience.

Challenges and objectives

At the time Vims academy approached as already invested significant money in marketing campaigns. Their target area includes all of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka but they received leads from migrant labourers as well as from individuals who were not qualified to attend the course. Additionally, there was a negative impression among students regarding aviation courses. Therefore, the aim was to create a positive impression and also generate high-quality leads from the target audience location.



Our Approach

As an initial step, we conducted a 14-day test run campaign targeting a wide audience. During this period, we analyzed the lead quality and utilized the insights gained to refine and narrow down our target audience. Vims Aviation's targeted audience is students who have completed plus two, or a degree. To attract this target audience, we built a comprehensive strategy focusing on Facebook and Instagram, the platforms dominated mainly by young people. 

The second challenge was the misconception and prejudice about pursuing a profession in the aviation industry among parents. Sometimes, while students express interest, their parents do not support them. To address this challenge, we organized a webinar led by a working professional in the aviation industry from a prominent airline company, for both parents and students.


We utilized split tests using various creatives and videos on platforms like Facebook and Instagram to find the most engaging and connecting content for the audience. By diligently analyzing the results, we obtained insights into the preferences and character of the potential audience. 


The result was outstanding, and the number of leads was doubled within a limited time. The received leads are from specific audience segments, such as students who completed Plus Two and the degree. It didn’t stop there; the quality of leads was also beyond expectation. Due to our strategic approach, they doubled the number of admissions. 

Return on Investment (ROI)

The effect of Vims Aviation’s Return on Investment was significant. Our strategic approach and the perfect implementation resulted in a two-fold increase in the return on Investment. Another major factor is that our approach is cost-effective, which also helped our client get phenomenal results on a limited budget. The main element that contributed to the success of this campaign is none other than their transparency. They never selected a student who couldn't meet the criteria to pursue a profession in this industry. This approach sets them apart from their competitors.

Major Takeaways

Targeted Approach: Designing the creative to the specific preferences and behaviour of the targeted audience.

Data-Driven Decision Making: Our approach of conducting split tests and the thorough analysis of the gained results helped us make decisions based on data. It allowed us to optimize the campaign to get maximum results. 

In a nutshell, our cooperation with Vims Aviation symbolizes the power of targeted social media marketing. By understanding their potential audience, analyzing and creating a well-defined strategy, and practical implementation, we addressed the challenge they approached with us. The result is not limited to that; we contributed significantly by doubling the number of leads and also improved the quality of leads by amplifying the number of admissions and return on investment.